
Athruvuks are an animal found in dense forests. It is a hard shelled creature with 2 long saw like appendages. They take down trees and eat insects found inside or capture animals with their goo for larger prey. They have a limited intelligence and a hive based organization. They often use words of the local language in limited capacity, though they seem to not understand complex ideas. 

Many examples of arthruvuk’s cruelty can be seen in their hunting of other animals just for sport or to leave them in their hardening goo to die of starvation. 


  • Challenge Rating: 2
  • Size: M
  • Type: Animal
  • Initiative: +2


  • Hit Points: 21 (3d8+6)
  • Armor Class: 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
  • Saves: Fort +5 Ref +2 Will -1
  • Weaknesses:


  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Base Attack: +4
  • Melee: 2 Claw +5 (1d4+2) or Bite +4 (1d8+1)
  • Ranged: Goo +6
  • Special Attacks: –
  • Horror: First Encounter 1/2d4


  • Abilities: STR +1, DEX +2, CON +2, INT -3, WIS +1, CHA -3
  • Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +1,  Awareness +2, Endurance +2, Knowledge -3, Persuasion -3, Spellcraft -, Survival +1, Thievery +2
  • Talents: 2 points or recommended: Alert and Weapon Specialty (claw)
  • Morale: 16
  • Special Qualities:
  • Languages:  Mimicry


  • Environment: Any Forest
  • Organization: Single, cluster 2-8, or hive 10+

Treasure: None


An arthruvuk can shoot a globule of goo from its rear to incapacitate prey. A successful DC 14 Athletics check will break free from the goo. If you can not break free, you lose any movement, though you can still attack.