SagaBorn Games

Specializing in narrative-based and social games. This is the home of SagaBorn RPG, The Dark Return, UFOz Are Real, and the infamous Wizard Staff Game!

SagaBorn Fiction

SagaBorn’s fiction authors specialize in highly immersive speculative fiction set in the detailed worlds created by their team.

Strongholds – A guide to bringing a home to your tabletop.
SagaBorn Roleplaying Game – v. 1.5 A revised old-school RPG system.
The Saga, an RPG and fandom Zine.

Latest Posts

  • Making a SagaBorn BRP Character for the Betatest
    So you want to join the SagaBorn Basic Roleplay beta test, and you need a character? You have a few options. The first and easiest is to head over and grab a premade character. There is a premade Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Rogue. These are all created with the automated google character spreadsheet. Of course, the … Read more
  • Lay of the Land; Part 1. A Craven’s Hollow Adventure
    This is the follow-up to the SagaBorn Starter Kit adventure, The Inheritance. It is meant for four to six level 1 characters and is the start of a campaign that will bring heroes to level 8. CH001 The Lay of the Land Part I This is an intro adventure to the Sagaborn Roleplaying Game. This … Read more
  • The Wheel of Time appendix i
    It’s time for that discussion of imagination again, the Appendix i of our creativity, where Dane and Mike discuss what made them the creatives they are. This week we also add Cassi, who is a big part of the WoT fandom scene. The Wheel of Time has long been a staple of our fantasy literary … Read more