Town Maps

Hey adventurers! I have some town maps that will be coming here in the future. I have many of the buildings furnished on the inside for the standard town necessities (blacksmith, general store, taverns). If you got a large town map, would you prefer all buildings being furnished, or some left empty so you can … Read more

The Tomb of Kochun – Map 1 – Adventurer Tier

Hail adventurers! Here is the 200 dpi map I promised today, totally free to all patrons. This is an older map from the first adventure I ever published, The Tomb of Kochun.  I chose this map mainly because it is a fun dungeon delve, but also because my friend Aiden’s partner joined up on the … Read more

Patrons Only – New Map – Roadside Camp

Hey all!  A new map just went live on DTRPG as a Pay What You Want. The bonus of being a Patron, you get the full deal to download right here! The image above is the 70 dpi map for Roll20, or download the zip file attached below for all the options (200DPI, FGU with … Read more


Hey all you wonderful adventurers. So I realized today there would be an issue with giving you all my Arkenforge files. You would also need all the custom tokens I use.  That wouldn’t be an issue as most of the tokens I use are open source, but there are a couple hundred that are not … Read more

Public Map – The Broken Goat

Here is a sample of the style of maps I make. This is a nighttime map with grid. We are also going to include small bits of story with each map (in PDF format). Here is a snippet about this inn: The Broken Goat Inn and tavern, Patriaslav Run by the Gorski family. Wilhelm, Pawa, … Read more

The Saga, Issue 7

Rethinking Hit Points – The Haunting of Eliuska Manor – Into the World Rethinking Hit Points One of the big issues I have encountered when running games is Hit Points. Sure it is a tried and true system that is simple. But often for fun games, this means the party needs a healer or they … Read more