Jumping in a Hole in the Ground with Stu Horvath

Stu Horvath is the founder of Unwinnable, a digital magazine that covers our culture from a different point of view. He is the presence behind the Vintage RPG Instagram. He is the author of the roleplaying history book Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground: A Guide to Tabletop Roleplaying Games from D&D to Mothership. … Read more

The Sands of Dune

It’s time for that discussion of imagination again, the Appendix i of our creativity, where Dane and Mike discuss the things that made them the creatives they are. Dune has influenced so many of our sci-fi and fantasy worlds since its publication. I know my world has definitely seen some influences from it, especially in … Read more

Role in the Group

When playing games, I often find myself struggling to find where I fit in a new group. Or even afraid that I may be stepping on others’ toes with my choices. So I came up with a simple way for the whole group to visualize and discuss their roles. Your role in the group helps … Read more

Conan and Friends

It’s time for that discussion of imagination again, the Appendix i of our creativity, where Dane and Mike discuss the things that made them the creatives they are. Mike: This month we are visiting the inspiration that really started the whole sword and sorcery thing we love so much. It’s time to travel to the … Read more