Conan and Friends

It’s time for that discussion of imagination again, the Appendix i of our creativity, where Dane and Mike discuss the things that made them the creatives they are. Mike: This month we are visiting the inspiration that really started the whole sword and sorcery thing we love so much. It’s time to travel to the … Read more

The Saga Issue 8, April 2023

Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs. This issue is all about magic! We discuss our favorite magic systems, talk about magic groups in Atheles, and have a mini adventure caused by a magical artifact. Table of Contents Articles: Systems of Power: I examine the concept of … Read more

The Saga Issue 7, February 2023

Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs. We are celebrating one year of Saga zine! This past year, we have published amazing stories, articles, and artwork from many talented creators. We are so grateful for all the incredible support we have received, and we look forward to … Read more

Interview with John Hambone McGuire

A staple of my routine is listening to the Vintage RPG podcast. Like most good things, I forget how I got exposed to it, but now I can’t imagine not having it as a part of my weekly entertainment. One of the hosts, John Hambone McGuire, is a man of many talents. Game designer, bassist, … Read more